Why do those eggs taste so good?

Have you ever wondered why farm fresh eggs taste so much better? There are likely many reasons! Usually chickens on small family farms are able to range freely or moved out on pasture regularly versus kept cooped up at all times like at most industrial farms. Ranging chickens eat a variety of grasses and weeds and bugs which helps give their yolks that beautiful bright orange color.



So besides the chicken’s diet and ability to live their lives like chickens would want to (happier birds must lay better tasting eggs, right?), maybe it’s the experience of stopping at farm, getting out into the countryside, seeing the animals and birds, smelling the fresh country air? Perhaps that picturesque trip makes you think the eggs taste better when you eat them. You know exactly where they came from, the farmers who tend the chickens and package the eggs. Know your farmer, know your food and your food will likely taste better. Perhaps.

Maybe, farm fresh eggs also taste better because they are FRESH. According to Fresh  Eggs Daily, farmers can actually hold eggs for 30 days before packaging and shipping them off  to the grocery store and then once they are put in the carton, the stores have up to 30 days to sell that carton of eggs. 2 months! Those eggs in the grocery store can be 2 months old when you buy them. They will still be edible, but just think of the difference in taste if the eggs were laid yesterday and on your breakfast plate this morning versus if they were laid in August and now you’re eating them. Crazy!

Now, that is likely a big reason that Sullivan Family Farm eggs are so delicious (though happy chickens and a friendly farmer have to count for something, right?!). Our eggs are packaged and on the shelves in 1-3 days and are currently in the farmstand no longer than 4 days at this time. 1 week from nesting box to your table, at the most. Talk about fresh!

Thank you for letting us be your farmers! We hope you enjoy your farm fresh eggs!

Ryan and Jackie Sullivan

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